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Current situation of the slaughtering industry

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China is the largest consumer of pork in the world.

China is the largest consumer of pork in the world. In 2010, the number of pigs slaughtered in China reached 670 million. However, the thresholds for the slaughtering industry, the designated slaughtering rate, and the level of mechanization are very low. In 2009, 51% of the national pig slaughtering volume was done through private slaughtering and self-slaughtering for personal consumption, with the remaining approximately 320 million pigs processed by about 20,000 designated slaughtering enterprises. The level of mechanization in these designated slaughtering enterprises is only 10%. Among the 2,237 large-scale designated slaughtering enterprises in the country, 91% are small enterprises, indicating a very low industry concentration. Therefore, there is significant room for leading slaughtering enterprises to increase their market share. We believe that the huge market and extremely low market concentration in the slaughtering industry provide fertile ground for pioneering enterprises with brand, product scale, and channel advantages to grow. In addition, industry policy promotion and the urbanization process will also help leading enterprises increase their market share.

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